Brest (29200)

Pratical Informations

Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain


06.07.24 → 03.08.24

Réda Boussella, Corentin Canesson, Johanna Cartier, Maxence Chevreau, Clémence Estève, François Feutrie, Anita Gauran, Fanny Gicquel, Elen Hallégouet, Céline Le Guillou, Germain Marguillard, Laure Mathieu, Guillaume Pellay, Françis Raynaud, Alisson Schmitt, Emma Seferian, Caroline Thiery, Stéfan Tulépo

Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain and Documents d’artistes Bretagne are pleased to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Les Chantiers residency program. In partnership with the École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne – site de Quimper, the exhibition Retour de flamme brings together the work of eighteen artists who participated, between 2013 and 2023, in this program to support emerging artists based in Brittany. A room dedicated to documentation highlights texts by art critics and filmed portraits of the artists in residence.

Focus on these artists who, after finishing their studies, benefited from privileged support and a personalized critical eye to develop an original project.


  • Les Chantiers ⎹ Résidence
    A program for emerging artists in Brittany run by Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain, Brest and Documents d’artistes Bretagne
    An exhibition presented in partnership with the École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne – site de Quimper