The missions
- To federate all the professionals of contemporary art in the region;
- To participate in the structuring of the visual arts sector on the regional territory;
- To structure resource, support, advice and professional training systems.
- To carry out actions of cooperation and observation of the sector.
- To be the regional interface and to carry a stronger and more representative word of the sector of the plastic and visual arts in the region;
- To support and accompany its members and to be an authority of representativeness near the public decision makers and the partners of the territory;
- To make radiate and put in network the action of its members and the contemporary art;
- To develop internal information and solidarity between its members
- To be a platform of resources, exchanges, debates and reflections;
- To carry out the steps of common interest near the institutional partners;
- To implement collective projects and actions for the public;
- To organize and facilitate the implementation of projects and actions of PREAC – Pôle de ressources pour l’éducation artistique et culturelle en art contemporain.
The governance
The governance* of a.c.b is based around a fair and equal representation of its members who represent the main activities of contemporary art:
- structures and organizations ;
- visual artists ;
- persons exercising an independent or salaried professional activity – or in view of being so – in the contemporary art sector
* Governance practices are understood as “all the mechanisms that allow the functioning of the organization to be aligned with the objectives and values of the associative project”. Hoarau and Laville, La gouvernance des associations, 2008
How it works
In order to build a collective and transversal dynamic, the a.c.b network articulates its functioning around thematic and transversal workshops created according to the needs of the sector and/or current issues.
These thematic workshops must be finalized after a maximum of 18 months by a roadmap presenting concrete projects or recommendations proposed by the group.
All members can participate according to their affinities, specialities and desire to get involved.