Rennes (35000)


La Criée centre d’art contemporain

Founded 30 years ago in the old covered market in the heart of Rennes, La Criée Centre for Contemporary Art is an exhibition space dedicated to experimentation, production and diffusion of works by emergent or established artists from France and abroad.

In audience terms La Criée casts its net wide, functioning as a transmission point where the art forms of today and tomorrow, together with their uses, are invented and reflected.

For each new season the centre comes up with an ambitious programme of encounters and experiences on a local and global scale: exhibitions, art projects, research and multidisciplinary events.

La Criée’s activities are given overall momentum, consistency and identity by thematic series that address the public directly, underscoring the centre’s role as a venue for communicating art.

In an initiative borrowed from the performing arts, La Criée works each season with one or more associate artists. This cooperative venture enables a new, experimental approach to working with artists in the long term, experiencing the creative process at close quarters, inventing new partnerships and developing special interconnections
with our various publics.

La Criée is a City of Rennes cultural facility and enjoys the financial support of the Ministry of Culture (Brittany Region Cultural Affairs Office), the Brittany Region and the Ille-et-Vilaine Département.

La Criée centre of contemporary art, Rennes – photo: Marion Sarrazin




  • Free admition


  • From Thursday to Sunday, from 1 pm to 7 pm
  • public holidays, from 1pm to 7 pm (Closed 1 January, 1 may and 25 December)
  • Closed on Monday


  • Access to  people with impaired mobility